Near Field Communication in short NFC is a new revolutionary mobile technology. NFC is a short distance communication medium that can transfer data between two NFC enabled mobile devices and its applications can be easily integrated with all major industry needs.

Retail industry is an ever green growing industry and also highly competitive segment because high quality customer service is the core of this business and technology adoption acts as a differentiating factor between successful retailers and others.

Tlick is NFC solutions offering retail store to engage the customers in better way in store and also increases the retail store sales by proving following services.

  • Virtual display to improve customer experience:

    Customer in the retail store can tap their Smart phones to NFC Tag attached with any retail products, full information of that product will be displayed on customer smart phone. This seamless sharing of product knowledge with customers in retail store increases the customer experience.

  • Virtual sales man:

    Our solution Tlick acts as a virtual salesman in retail store to customers by providing the required information on time by single Tap.

    1. Customers can check the price of the product
    2. Customers can view the latest promotional video of the product
    3. Customers can check the online reviews of the products
    4. Customers do online research of the products
    5. Can check Facebook and twitter opinion page to know customer service.

    All this timely information encourages the customer to make quick purchase decision in the store thus increases the retail store sales.

  • Customers insights collections and share:

    Tracking the customer behavior in store is complex task and it is very useful for business.

    1. Track the no of customers checking the particular product by tapping NFC device
    2. Tlick also track the for which retail product customers spends more time by viewing it’s videos, online review and checking other information's.
    3. Collect customer’s opinions on new product and service.

    All this real time information is vital for retail store business to formulate their marketing and sales promotion strategies.

  • Social media engagement:

    Retail store can build a good long term relationship with customer by providing new product Information by updating in Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Pinterests etc. Customer can access this information easily and also encourages to share in is network, thus increase the brand awareness. <

  • In store marketing:

    “Customers Can't Buy Your Product If They Don't Know It Exists In Your Store" , our Tlick helps the retailers to run multiple in store marketing campaigns to educate the customers by placing NFC tag in outer wall of the retail shops or at the entrance of retail store , when customer walking around see the tag he/she will tap their phone , full product information will be displayed on his smartphone. It create a pull -demand to the products.

  • Recommendation based marketing:

    Tlick solution builds a strong brand to retailers by encouraging customers recommend or share retail products in the Facebook , twitter ,Myspace and other social media to get coupons.

  • Easy payment:

    Our Tlick solution offers easy payment solution to the customers by supporting Google wallet, credit card contactless payment, it saves the customer’s precious time by not standing in the queue.

  • Mobile Banner Ads:

    Tlick solution helps retail customer to place their mobile banner ads on mobile pages, after seeing this ads customer will click on this adds to know full information about the products, it helps the retailer to push discounts offer and new product arrival to the store, information to target customers.

Berg research report

Total 250m NFC phones sold all over the world in 2012, 350 millions NFC phones introducing to market in 2013 and also it forecasts 700m NFC phones users by 2017.